Thank you for your interest in our international service projects. We are excited for all that God will do with our various trips planned for this year and pray that He would continue to lead you in being a blessing both locally and abroad.


Missions Trip #1: City of Refuge Children’s Home

Kingston, Jamaica (Middle and High School Only)

Hosted by Glad Tidings Assembly
Website: http://www.corgt.com/
Dates: June 7-14, 2025
Estimated cost: $1400 per person
Team Size: 20 people (middle school and high school)

Description: City of Refuge is a children’s home with 56 children, ages 6 months to 18 (majority are 10-12), which is directed by Glad Tidings Church and is located on the island of Jamaica. The 26-acre campus sits on a mountaintop about an hour’s drive from the capital city, Kingston.

These children, prior to coming to the home, were counted among thousands in Jamaica who are abused, neglected, abandoned, and often left on the streets without any shelter or provision.

Project: Projects range from painting and clean up to remodeling of the kitchens. Mission opportunities for ministry are in VBS, sports camp, and training and wellness care of staff.

Benefits: The goal is to impact the nation of Jamaica, one child at a time. Children are provided a safe, healthy environment to receive care, education, a fresh start, and a home. All of the children have been removed from harmful situations and can grow up with the love and care they deserve. The aim is to cultivate a Christ-centered environment in which future lawyers, teachers, businessmen/women, and pastors are developed and encouraged to be all they can be in Christ.

Missions Trip #2: International Media Ministries

Madrid, Spain

Website: https://imm.edu/
Dates: September 20-27, 2025
Estimated cost: $2500 per person
Team Size: 8-15 people

Description: It’s no secret that media is one of the most important ways to reach the world. International Media Ministries (IMM) was founded on this premise in 1981 and established as a strategic resource of Assemblies of God World Missions (USA). IMM produces a wide variety of

media, including Bible-based dramatic films, children’s television programming, and thought-provoking conversation starters, in almost 70 languages. IMM also develops mobile technologies for use in closed-access countries and trains local believers to leverage media to further the gospel. We work together with one goal: to see Jesus on every screen.

Project: Renovation and repairs to the IMM office and studio in Madrid are needed for their work to continue. Repairs include improved space for temporary missionary residences, plumbing, paint, structure, security, studio improvements, external repairs including roofing, sunken sidewalks and driveways, and general maintenance that is needed for the facility’s safe operation.

Missions Partnership: City Church is committing to raising $50,000 for the renovations and repairs to the offices and studios in Madrid, Spain.


If you would like to be involved in missions through going, supporting, praying, or contacting missionaries, please fill out this form. Thanks!

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